Amnosia decora petronia (Ninja)

Amnosia decora petronia (Ninja) flapping it wings caught using my camera with a slow shutter speed setting. A very rare butterfly. This butterfly attracted to the tree sap.
According to an expert in butterflies field Dr. Potanthus Tp, It is a very rare species and above picture is a male. There are three subspecies recorded from Borneo and Otsuka only listed two : ssp. buluana (Mt. Kinabalu area) and ssp. petronia (lowland forest). Found this during my early morning walk near a small rocky river stream. There was a tree with sap on it as seen in this photo. This butterfly attracted to the tree sap. Found 6 Jun. 2022. 6:08 AM. Tamparuli. Posted 3 Sept. 2022.
Record shot of a beautiful butterfly,
Amnosia decora petronia (Ninja) from Heaven of Waterfall, Tamparuli. Sabah. Found 16 Feb 2019. Posted 17 Feb. 2019

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Nature lover. Naturalist. Sabah Wildlife. Macro Photography. Closed-up Photography.

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